Many people ask me about the tattoo on my wrist, some (including the tattoo artist) appear to be bothered by it's simplicity. So hoping no one has to ask me it's meaning again here's a brief explanation on the symbolism of triangles;
The triangle has been since early civilizations, the symbol of the trilogy or the triad that makes all existence possible. It has been interpreted as:
* The father, the mother and the son
* The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
* The male, the female and the creative power
* The sky, the earth and the living creatures
* The union of two that creates the third
* The perfect union when two become one
* The prayer elevated from all Earth to the one God
* The power of the One to become All
* Each moment of Life where you can take two decisions or ways
In tassology the Triangle is interpreted as unusual creativity or talent.
-pointing up Success
-pointing down Failure
To me, mine is pointing UP ;-)
It also symbolizes the union of the letter V and the letter I. Ivo's & I initials. He has one as well, the only difference is mine is the outline of an equilateral triangle & his is an isosceles tilted to the side, like a "Play" sign.